FiberXL is a management service that allows users who would otherwise be unable to benefit from commercial grade internet, to utilize commercial grade internet. Your actual ISP is the commercial grade upstream provider whose contract was negotiated by the building. Once the provider gets the line into the building, FiberXL manages the system in accordance with standard network practices as detailed below.

Nature of service offering

The end speeds experienced by the end-user will depend on

  • The total bandwidth of the external pipeline into the building.
  • The number of users and their current activity at any moment.

Typically, we advise a building to negotiate a bandwidth of 2Gbps per hundred anticipated users. Under most normal circumstances, end-user bandwidth rarely falls below 50 Mbps for wired connections. Wireless connections will always be slower than a wired connection. This is an inherent feature of WiFi. Insofar as possible, we will do our best to advise clients with WiFi difficulties.

Notice of security and risk reduction

FiberXL reserves the right to suspend or terminate service to anyone

  • Who violates terms of service of the upstream provider or who infringes upon any law.
  • Who the buildings Managing Association deems a nuisance.
  • Who attempts to interfere with network traffic of any other user in the system.

Attached Devices

FiberXL will provide either one router or one wireless access point to each unit within a building. Clients are free to attach any device of their choice to the router or access point.

Security Advisory

When FiberXL installs the ingress router or wireless access point, it will be tuned to use encrypted settings. We strongly recommend that you DO NOT disable encryption.